Supplier Code of Conduct

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Supplier Code of Conduct

Aegistek Corporation Ltd. is committed to conducting business sustainably for the benefit of all stakeholders. Therefore, it is crucial for us to operate on a foundation of social responsibility towards communities and the environment throughout our business processes. To ensure this commitment, we have established procurement policies aimed at ensuring that our business practices align with our sustainability policies, as well as with applicable laws and regulations.

This includes adherence to all relevant laws and regulations pertaining to our operations.

    • Ethics in Procurement
    • Ethics regarding Human Rights and Labor
    • Safety, Occupational Health, and Environment
    • Ethics and Compliance with the Law
    • Community Engagement and Development

Procurement Policy and Guidelines

  1. **Value and Efficiency**: Ensure procurement is cost-effective, efficient, and effective in terms of quality, price, and service to maximize company benefits.
  2. **Business Ethics**: Focus on ethical business practices, providing accurate, complete, and transparent information, treating all suppliers equally, and listening to their feedback and suggestions.
  3. **Fair Selection**: Conduct supplier selection systematically, fairly, and transparently, avoiding discrimination, ensuring auditability, and supporting suppliers who operate ethically and responsibly regarding society and the environment.
  4. **Environmental Friendliness**: Promote eco-friendly procurement by using recycled materials, reducing pollution, and implementing efficient waste management systems, ensuring the delivery of safe, high-quality, and environmentally friendly products and services.
  5. **Human Rights and Fair Treatment**: Adhere to international human rights standards, ensuring fair and equal treatment of employees within the company and throughout the supply chain.
  6. **Compliance with Safety and Environmental Regulations**: Comply with legal safety, occupational health, and environmental regulations.
  7. **Community and Social Impact**: Operate with consideration for the community and social impact, participating in community and social development where possible and appropriate.
  8. **Local Employment and Development**: Promote local employment and create career opportunities for the underprivileged, including the disabled and elderly, to improve the quality of life in local communities.
  9. **Supplier Development**: Enhance the knowledge and capabilities of suppliers, maintain good relationships, and foster long-term growth together.

Purchase Code of Conduct

  1. Objective : To enable employees who perform purchasing duties of the company It is considered a framework of ethics and principles for operating with honesty, integrity, and transparency, taking into account the interests of the Company as important, providing fairness and justice. to the company’s trading partners
  2. Code of Ethics : Employees performing purchasing duties must adhere to and comply with this code of conduct. strictly as follows
      1. Conflict of Interest (Conflict of Interest) : arising from the procurement process. It may occur when employees attach importance to The benefits that he or she will receive are greater than the benefits of the company. Or is it a practice that responds to each other in business, including using authority and duties as assigned by the company as a buyer to claim any other benefits, both direct / indirect? (property) from the seller
      2. Maintaining the confidentiality of the company’s information : employees and vendors must be responsible for maintaining documents and information. related to the procurement process, such as technical information, materials, important operating documents that make the company Maintain an advantage in business Seller price offer Document comparing technical specifications, prices and contracts This is considered a secret of the company and must not be disclosed to others.
      3. Sharp Responsibility and environment :To comply with the policy on social responsibility and the environment that the company has announced and that may have additional announcements. Inform sellers to cooperate or join with sellers in carrying out social activities. and the environment to meet the objectives of doing business in a stable and sustainable manner.
      4. Follow human rights principles : The Company has implemented human rights principles that are consistent with international principles. With the expectation that business partners must follow suit as well. And there must be a process for recording, verifying, reporting and sending the information to the company. Periodically informed upon request.
      5. Measures to prevent corruption in the purchasing and hiring process : To ensure that every step of the purchasing and hiring process will be carried out under transparency, honesty and can be audited, the company has therefore provided such measures. climb There will be a specified process, scope, criteria, and duration of the inspection. In order to have standards that are internationally acceptable.
  3. Relationships with trading partners
      1. Employees must maintain secrets received from sellers, such as price information and product information. Can be disclosed only with permission.
      2. Employees must inspect prices, compare prices, quality, and various conditions. To ensure fairness in the competition, that is, reveal the price of the 1st seller so that the 2nd seller can compete, and then bring the 2nd seller’s new price to negotiate with the 1st seller. to offer a lower price, etc.
      3. Employees must maintain equal business relationships with vendors, not demanding, not receiving property or benefits from both direct and indirect suppliers.
      4. Employees must treat all sellers equally and fairly, such as informing them of the same bidding news and at the same time.
      5. Employees must protect the company’s confidential information. While conducting business with the seller, it is strictly necessary to keep various information received from each bidder confidential. Do not disclose to others.
      6. Procurement employees must provide correct, clear, and complete information to business partners through open means. and provide equal opportunities to business partners
      7. Procurement employees should listen to opinions. Any suggestions that suppliers complain about or recommend to Improve and solve problems that occur in operations.
      8. Negotiate on the basis of fair business relationships. Both sides openly and with evidence
  4. Performing duties
      1. Employees must perform their duties with professionalism, fairness and reject inappropriate offers. in exchange for results Personal interest in carrying out the procurement process
      2. Procurement through companies of relatives, close friends, or companies with which employees have relationships and/or are partners, de jure and/or de facto, with the seller. Employees must inform their supervisor so that the supervisor can assign them. Allow other employees to perform duties instead.
      3. Executives must control, inspect, and supervise strict compliance with the code of conduct. If it is found that there is violation of the code of ethics, An investigation and disciplinary action must be considered according to the procedures.

Human rights and labor ethics

The company supports and respects human rights principles both nationally and internationally. By accepting the principles of practice that are Benefits to world society It covers 3 content issues:

    • Respect :
      personal security freedom from harassment or various kinds of persecution freedom of association
    • Equality :
      Equal opportunity with respect to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability.
    • Honor of the work :
      Humane working environment Employee health and safety Free from forced labor and child labor

Freedom of association means Colleagues have the right to organize and communicate. and establish organizations for work-related purposes This is in accordance with the law, policies and work procedures of the company.

Free from forced labor means no forced labor is used. or prison labor and do not use physical punishment or threats from being violently treated or other formats of physical, sexual, mental, or verbal abuse as a measure of discipline or threats

No child labor means not hiring anyone under 18 years of age for any purpose. Both full-time work or part-time work

Including working with wages and no wages A humane work environment means a work environment that is safe, hygienic, and clean, has adequate lighting, clean drinking water, adequate bathroom facilities, fire escapes, and necessary safety equipment in the event of a fire. emergency first aid kit and participation in emergency situation plans Both the fire and medical

Safety, occupational health and environment

    • The company places importance on operations that take into account management standards for quality, safety, and occupational health. continuously Taking into account the principles of preventing pollution problems and sustainable consumption. Efficient use of resources in production and service operations, including good practices for sustainable development

Ethics and compliance with the law

    • Business partners must conduct business with morality, ethics and strictly comply with the law. Conduct business without bribery and must protect the confidential information of trading partners

Participation and community development

    • Taking into account the responsibilities that one should have towards society, the community, and the environment in society at both the local and national levels, the Company has a duty to participate. and take action to develop the community This operation is not just a matter of public consciousness or volunteerism, but is a duty of the company. that must find a way to give back to the community and society as well